Viruses are designed to give criminals access to their victims’ devices. It’s designed to go from one computer or device to the next, copying itself, and spreading malicious codes and programs that can damage and infiltrate your operating systems. When looked at simply, a computer virus is similar to a cold virus. Antivirus software is a vital component of your overall online and computer security strategy in its protection against data and security breaches along with other threats. What exactly is antivirus software designed to do? We’re talking about a program or umbrella of programs whose purpose is to scan for and eradicate computer viruses and other malicious software, also known as malware. What is antivirus software designed to do? However, hackers, scammers, and identity thieves are constantly tweaking their methods, so it’s a good idea to get protection from a comprehensive security solution. Ensuring your antivirus software is up and running, and up-to-date, is a good place to start. If there’s any crack in your cybersecurity defenses, cybercriminals likely will try to find a way in.
With new and savvier cyberthreats and viruses surfacing, it’s important to stay current with the latest in antivirus protection. If you already have antivirus software, you may believe you’re all set.